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Week 1 Bible Reading Notes

LeAnn Jahn • April 4, 2022

Notes for Week 1: B'resheet (In The Beginning)

I like to read from the Complete Jewish Bible. So I will be quoting scripture from this version. 

GENESIS 1:1 - 6:8


  • It took 1 whole day to separate light from darkness.
  • Everything was dark. God saying let there be light is like Him turning on a light switch.
  • It took 1 whole day to create the sky "dome."
  • It took him a whole day to create the sun, stars, and moon.
  • 2 Peter 3:8 says one day is like a thousand years. So if it took Him a day to create, did it take a thousand years per day mentioned?
  • It took God 5 days to get the earth ready for mankind.
  • He blessed the animals to be fruitful and multiply.
  • Evidence of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit all present at creation (verse 26).

* Verse 26: Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves ....


  • God rested so that His creation could produce (vs 3).
  • No wild plant sprung up.
  • The tree of knowledge and the tree of good and evil grew out of the ground.
  • The Pishon stream had gold and onyx (two things used in the priestly breastplate later on).
  • Considering that God made land animals on Day 6, verse 19 makes it sound like he created more animals of land and air to see if they would make a suitable companion for Adam.
  • It doesn't say how long Adam was alone before the Trinity made Eve.


  • Eve says she can't touch the tree, but God said don't eat from the tree.
  • Both ate the fruit before their eyes were open.
  • God walked at the time of the evening breeze.
  • They hid themselves from His presence.
  • "Havah" = Eve = Life
  • I feel like this was the first blood sacrifice offered for sin (verse 21).
  • They were cast out of the garden to keep them from eating from the other tree (the tree of life) and live forever.
  • An angel and flaming sword guarded the entrance.

* Verse 21: Adonai, God, made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

*Verse 24: So he drove the man out, and he placed at the east of the garden of ‘Eden the k’ruvim and a flaming sword which turned in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

* "K'ruvim" = cherubim; heavenly creatures, described by Ezekiel having four faces and four wings (Ezekiel 10: 20-21).


  • Cain brought an offering from the produce of the soil. Abel brought one from firstborn sheep that included the fat.
  • Did God not accept Cain's offering because it was not from his first fruits?
  • God gives constructive criticism with encouragement (vs 7). He can rule over the sin crouching at his door.
  • Even though Cain murdered his twin brother, God puts a mark on him so that nobody would kill him.
  • Who would have been the others that would kill him?
  • He took a wife in the land of Nod. Were they Eve's children, too?
  • No time frame is mentioned for all of these events.

*Verse 7: If you are doing what is good, shouldn’t you hold your head high? And if you don’t do what is good, sin is crouching at the door — it wants you, but you can rule over it.”


  • Genealogy of Adam

 *Verse 24: Hanokh (Enoch) walked with God, and then he wasn’t there, because God took him.

CHAPTER 6: 1-8

  • Children of the fallen angels were considered ancient heroes, men of renown (vs 4).
  • God regretted his creations, but Noah found grace in God's sight.

*Verse 4: The N’filim (Nephilim/giants) were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the ancient heroes, men of renown.

ISAIAH 42:5 - 43:10

  • God put His Spirit on His servant, the one He has chosen, supports, and takes pleasure in.
  • God gives breath to the people on earth and spirit to those who walk on it.
  • God takes us by the hand, shapes us, and made a covenant with us so that we would be a light to non-jews or people outside of our group; so that we would open blind eyes and be a light for prisoners of darkness.
  • He declares new things and tells us about them before hand.
  • He goes out like a soldier, raises the battle cry, and triumphs over His foes.
  • He leads the blind on unknown roads, turns darkness into light, and straightens twisted paths.
  • Don't be afraid because He has redeemed us, called us by name, is with us and He calls us His own.
  • He is with us as we pass through water and rivers; they will not overwhelm us.
  • Fire will not scorch us and flames will not burn us. We will pass through.
  • We are valued, honored, and loved by God.
  • His servants are to know, trust, and understand that God is the true God.

*42 vs 1: “Here is my servant, whom I support, my chosen one, in whom I take pleasure. I have put my Spirit on him; he will bring justice to the Goyim (non-jews or people outside of our group). 

*42 vs 6-8 : “I, Adonai, called you righteously, I took hold of you by the hand, I shaped you and made you a covenant for the people, to be a light for the Goyim, so that you can open blind eyes free the prisoners from confinement, those living in darkness from the dungeon. I am Adonai; that is my name. I yield my glory to no one else, nor my praise to any idol.

*42 vs 9: See how the former predictions come true; and now new things do I declare — before they sprout I tell you about them.

*42 vs 13: Adonai will go out like a soldier, like a soldier roused to the fury of battle; he will shout, yes, he raises the battle cry; as he triumphs over his foes.

*42 vs 16: The blind I will lead on a road they don’t know, on roads they don’t know I will lead them; I will turn darkness to light before them, and straighten their twisted paths. These are things I will do without fail.

*43 vs 1-2: “Don’t be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I am calling you by your name; you are mine. When you pass through water, I will be with you; when you pass through rivers, they will not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire, you will not be scorched — the flame will not burn you.

*43 vs 3-4: I have given Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and S’va for you. Because I regard you as valued and honored, and because I love you.

*43 vs 10: “You are my witnesses,” says Adonai, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you can know and trust me and understand that I am he —no god was produced before me, nor will any be after me.

MATTHEW 1: 1-17

  • How many generations from Jesus to now?
  • 14 generations from Abraham to David and David to Jesus

MARK 10: 1-12

  • The Pharisees try to trap Jesus regarding divorce.
  • He quotes Genesis and says no one should break apart what God has put together.

LUKE 3: 23-38

  • Jesus starts His public ministry at about 30 years old.
  • More genealogy.

JOHN 1: 1-18

  • The Word was God, He was with God
  • In Him was life and the life was the light of mankind.
  • He was not received in His own homeland (vs 11).
  • Receiving Jesus and putting our trust in Him and His power is what gives us the right to be God's children.
  • Jesus is identical with God (vs 19).

* Verses 1-5: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing made had being. In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not suppressed it.

* Verses 12-13: But to as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God, not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God.

1 COR 6: 15-20

  • You don't belong to yourself, you are bought at a price.
  • We are one spirit with God like one flesh as a married couple.
  • Our bodies are a temple for the Holy Spirit, so we are to use them to glorify God.

1 COR 15: 35-58

  • A seed dies first and then comes alive.
  • We have 2 images: man from dust and man from heaven.
  • Stand firm and immoveable, always doing the Lord's work vigorously, knowing our efforts aren't in vain because we are united with the Lord.

*Verses 46-49: Note, however, that the body from the Spirit did not come first, but the ordinary human one; the one from the Spirit comes afterwards. The first man is from the earth, made of dust; the second man is from heaven. People born of dust are like the man of dust, and people born from heaven are like the man from heaven; and just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, so also we will bear the image of the man from heaven.

* Verse 58: So, my dear brothers, stand firm and immovable, always doing the Lord’s work as vigorously as you can, knowing that united with the Lord your efforts are not in vain.

ROMANS 5: 12-21

  • Sin and death entered the world through one individual (Adam).
  • One man's offense caused many to die. One man's gift overflows to many.
  • We rule in life because of Jesus' gift of being considered righteous (AKA overflowing grace).
  • Many made sinners because of the disobedience of one; Many made righteous because of the obedience of one.
  • Sin rules by means of death; Grace rules through righteousness and gives eternal life through Jesus.

EPHESIANS 5: 21-32

  • Wives submit to husbands like the believers submit to Jesus because he can keep us safe.
  • Husbands love wives like Christ loves His believers. He gave himself up for our behalf.
  • Love your wife in the same way that you love your own body; for a man that loves his wife loves himself.
  • A man feeds his body well and takes care of it just like the Messiah does for us.
  • Let each man love his wife as himself and the wife respect her husband.


  • Jesus holds everything together (vs 17).

1 TIMOTHY 2: 11-15

  • Let a woman learn in peace.
  • Eve was the one deceived.
  • Women will be delivered through child-bearing provided she continues to trust, love, and live a holy life.

HEBREWS 1: 1-3

  • Jesus is God's essence (vs 3): "This Son is the radiance of the Sh’khinah (Divine Presence, the manifest glory of God present with men), the very expression of God’s essence, upholding all that exists by his powerful word."

HEBREWS 3:7 - 4:11

  • God was frustrated with men because their hearts were always going astray and they didn't understand how He does things.
  • There is a warning to not have an evil heart lacking trust.
  • We are to keep exhorting/strongly encouraging each other as long as it is called today.
  • We can't leave the wilderness and enter His rest as long as there is a lack of trust and disobedience.
  • We are to hear AND trust.

*Verse 13: Instead, keep exhorting each other every day, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you will become hardened by the deceit of sin.

*Verse 19: So we see that they were unable to enter because of lack of trust.

*Verse 2: for Good News has also been proclaimed to us, just as it was to them. But the message they heard didn’t do them any good, because those who heard it did not combine it with trust.

HEBREWS 11: 1-7

  • Trust is being confident of what we hope for and convinced about what we don't see.
  • Trust brings us merit.
  • Trust is well-pleasing to God.
  • To trust Him means: 1) to know He exists, 2) know that He rewards those who seek Him out, and 3) to get divine warnings because of that trust.

*Verses 1-2: Trusting is being confident of what we hope for, convinced about things we do not see. It was for this that Scripture attested the merit of the people of old.

*Verse 6:  And without trusting, it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, because whoever approaches him must trust that he does exist and that he becomes a Rewarder to those who seek him out.

*Verse 7: By trusting, Noach, after receiving divine warning about things as yet unseen

2 PETER 3: 3-14

  • Scoffers will come in the last days and will overlook God's history of the earth.
  • For the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.
  • The Lord isn't slow in keeping His promises based on our perspective of slow. He is patient.
  • The day of the Lord will come like a thief.
  • While we wait for this day, do everything we can to be without spot/defect and at peace.


  • He saw a new heaven and a new earth, where the old earth was gone and so was the sea.
  • There was a new city which was the New Jerusalem that came down from heaven like a beautiful bride.
  • A voice from heaven said that God will live with us, we will be His people and He, himself God-With-Us will be our God.
  • He will wipe away every tear and there will be no death, mourning, crying, or pain.
  • He is making everything new.


  • There is a river and the tree of life just like in the garden of Eden.
  • It produces 12 kinds of fruit ( a different one each month) and its leaves are for healing nations.
  • His servants will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads.
  • There will be no night because His light shines upon them.
  • They will reign as kings forever and ever.

By LeAnn Jahn September 16, 2022
Inspirational Quotes
By LeAnn Jahn April 11, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 11, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 11, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 5, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By Week 32 April 5, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 5, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 5, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 5, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
By LeAnn Jahn April 5, 2022
These Bible verses are taken from the public domain The World English Bible (WEB) version. Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence visit
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