We all know that life is full of ups and downs.
Sometimes, we can choose which path to take while other times we have to choose how to handle the unexpected.
So how do we know the right answer when the choice is ours to make?
As believers, we want to walk on the path that God would choose for us so that His will would be done on this earth as it is in heaven. According to Colossians 3:15, the peace that only comes from Father God is our compass. Essentially, this means we are to be led by the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5:22, peace is one of the fruits of the Spirit.
What does this look like in every day life?
Many times that gut feeling that something isn't right can help steer us in the direction of peace for our hearts.
Other times, there is no gut feeling.
We are left with emotions like uncertainty and confusion.
In these times, it might take a few days to mull things over and let your spirit have time to process information. Talking about different options and seeing how the end result settles in your spirit for each potential path can be helpful.
Remember, patience is another fruit of the Spirit and happens to be mentioned right after peace. You might have to wait. Trust the Spirit of the Lord to direct your heart and give you the peace you are looking for.